
Music Apps for Apple Ipad/Iphone

Music Apps:OUR top pics for Ipad and Iphone

KORG GADGET - My top pick for an all in one music maker and SO fun as well. Beautiful App

AUDIO BUS 3 - Connect all your music apps. A standard. You need it

FIGURE - From the makers of Reason - Propellerheads - Great for minimal grooves

THOR - Amazing synth from Propellerheads

TRAKTOR - NI's Ipad version of the vangaurd Dj  software

Voice Synth - I use this on my voice to make tracks and staion Id' and bumpers

Glitch Breaks - Just dope

Beat Wave - Also dope

Novation Launchpad - Tremendous and fun contoller. Add your own sounds to make the fun really begin

Novation Blocks Wave - create custom sets for Launchpad and more

Novation Groove - I love this app. Great synths and randomizer for grooves

TC Helicon Voice Rack - You need these if you are a vocalist or multitracker

Logic Remote - adds touch function to Logic, great for strumming and getting good picking tones

Garage band - Logic for babys

Itabla Pro - If you are in Kirtan, singing Ragas or an Indian classical musician, this is for you

Korg Kaossilator - Ipad version of the incredible hardware and a music generator

Animoog - the first and super fun Moog Synthesizer app

FocusRite Tape - perfect for recording grooves 

Baby Scratch - Vinyl emulator , scratch any audio file

Model 15 - Moog's digtal opus. Incredible. Hours gone.

Iprophet - Arturia synth action

Seaboard 5D - Roli's Ipad game is on. Great sounds and control

Macrio Galan